1.   Fascinating and highly readable, this book will satisfy scholars as well as more casual readers.

2.   The casual reader sees no red flags.

3.   To arrive at section three will, for most casual readers, be as a result of by-passing section two.

4.   Book critics, let alone casual readers, would be hard-pressed to have read half the books up for awards.

5.   A casual reader might be forgiven for thinking that the sentence meant that the additive could harm them.

6.   Casual readers are more likely to end up with a sense of the time wasted.

7.   Clearly, this book is not for the casual reader.

8.   Furthermore, casual readers might have thought Adapt was more or less on schedule, when it is already one year overdue.

9.   He gives enough gruesome details to titillate the casual reader, but he has a far bigger bone to pick with the whole industry of instant gratification.

10.   He begins with so many disclaimers as to discourage the casual reader.

a. + reader >>共 525
avid 6.73%
young 6.73%
voracious 3.69%
new 2.50%
general 2.38%
younger 2.26%
american 1.61%
regular 1.61%
casual 1.37%
average 1.37%
casual + n. >>共 671
observer 4.31%
fan 3.66%
clothes 3.66%
dress 2.89%
conversation 2.85%
wear 2.40%
contact 1.91%
clothing 1.79%
sex 1.75%
visitor 1.75%
reader 0.94%
每页显示:    共 23