1.   Regular readers will recognise his hero Cap Millet.

2.   AS a regular reader of your paper which I regard as the voice for the North-East, I have become increasingly frustrated at your sports section.

3.   As regular readers of this column know, Bailey is my dog.

4.   As regular readers may recall, Dr. Strangelove and I differ in print on politics on occasion.

5.   He has installed several columnists, including the irreverent Kinky Friedman, who he hopes will pull in regular readers.

6.   I could write a better script, and regular readers know what a damning statement that is.

7.   In another twist, the political scandals that the tabloids used to catapult themselves into the national spotlight return no dividends with their regular readers, Boylan said.

8.   In fact, if you are a regular reader, you know I seldom write about an individual product.

9.   My regular readers have become accustomed to doing that with my work, looking not for the verb but for the point.

10.   Ms. Fukushima added, however, that she was regular reader of the two banned publications, as well as many of the other weeklies that carry sexual material.

a. + reader >>共 525
avid 6.73%
young 6.73%
voracious 3.69%
new 2.50%
general 2.38%
younger 2.26%
american 1.61%
regular 1.61%
casual 1.37%
average 1.37%
regular + n. >>共 1096
season 18.81%
basis 3.88%
meeting 2.76%
interval 1.21%
contact 1.11%
exercise 1.08%
customer 1.03%
flight 0.96%
session 0.90%
visit 0.86%
reader 0.17%
每页显示:    共 27