1.   It is suggested that coeliac disease should be considered as a potential cause of secondary carnitine deficiency.

2.   Furthermore, if secondary carnitine deficiency exists in patients with coeliac disease, it might explain some of the symptoms of this condition.

3.   Furthermore, carnitine deficiency secondary to poor dietary intake or abnormal intestinal absorption suggests that exogenous carnitine is important in maintaining body carnitine equilibrium.

4.   The insufficiency of long chain fatty acid assimilation in carnitine deficiency may produce lack of energy, weakness, difficulties in gaining weight, and muscular hypotonia.

5.   In conclusion, coeliac disease should be added to the increasing list of causes of secondary carnitine deficiency.

6.   Some of the clinical manifestations in the coeliac disease patient may be a result of carnitine deficiency.

n. + deficiency >>共 103
iron 13.67%
vitamin 12.33%
iodine 8.67%
calcium 4.00%
safety 3.00%
enzyme 2.67%
oxygen 2.67%
carnitine 2.00%
testosterone 1.67%
thyroid 1.67%
carnitine + n. >>共 10
concentration 48.48%
deficiency 18.18%
absorption 9.09%
state 6.06%
diet 3.03%
equilibrium 3.03%
handling 3.03%
metabolism 3.03%
supplementation 3.03%
treatment 3.03%
每页显示:    共 6