1.   A month later, the Federal Aviation Administration grounded the carrier, citing serious safety deficiencies.

2.   HCFA resurveyed the hospital several times but continued to find serious health and safety deficiencies and a failure to investigate unusual incidents.

3.   The DOT and FAA recently gave ValuJet tentative approval to resume flying and said the airline had corrected its safety deficiencies and was economically fit.

4.   The FAA grounded the airline a month after the crash, citing safety deficiencies.

5.   The FAA grounded the airline after the crash, citing safety deficiencies.

6.   The Department of Transportation gave ValuJet tentative approval to resume flying nearly a week ago, after a two-month grounding linked to safety deficiencies at the airline.

7.   The federal investigators are scheduled to release a final report next week and the company may face fines for safety deficiencies.

8.   The FAA grounded the airline a month later, after finding safety deficiencies at the discount carrier.

9.   No significant safety deficiencies were found.

n. + deficiency >>共 103
iron 13.67%
vitamin 12.33%
iodine 8.67%
calcium 4.00%
safety 3.00%
enzyme 2.67%
oxygen 2.67%
carnitine 2.00%
testosterone 1.67%
thyroid 1.67%
safety + n. >>共 393
standard 5.97%
concern 4.85%
measure 3.94%
board 3.27%
issue 2.85%
regulation 2.66%
rule 2.61%
problem 2.56%
reason 2.49%
official 2.31%
deficiency 0.09%
每页显示:    共 9