1.   Capital markets are perfect in that there are no barriers to exit or entry and information is freely available to all.

2.   Therefore, any pair of securities having the same level of risk cannot have two different levels of expected longterm return when a perfect capital market is in equilibrium.

3.   In the presence of perfect capital markets and suitably inclusive definitions, wealth would simply be the discounted present value of all future income streams.

4.   The eurobond market is a key component both of the international capital markets per se and of the financial activity of the City of London.

5.   The reduced credit ratings of the banks meant that good quality corporates could issue directly in the capital markets on relatively more favourable terms.

6.   In the developed western countries private resources and the capital market were quite adequate.

7.   Another use of expert determination is found in the practice of the domestic and international capital markets.

8.   Loan demand was noticeably weak, with companies benefiting from increased Government spending and increased use of the capital market.

9.   The cost or price of borrowing or lending is thus set in the capital market.

10.   The EMH states that an efficient capital market is one in which share prices always fully reflect all publicly available information concerning those securities.

n. + market >>共 507
bond 12.43%
world 5.98%
currency 4.32%
labor 4.29%
capital 3.09%
job 3.07%
future 2.98%
bull 2.92%
equity 2.70%
export 2.24%
capital + n. >>共 533
market 12.98%
investment 8.34%
city 7.66%
flow 4.51%
murder 4.46%
case 3.48%
inflow 2.73%
increase 2.36%
charge 1.99%
control 1.94%
每页显示:    共 765