1.   For ease and convenience, we used canned frostings with great success.

2.   There are also great cupcake papers, sugar decorations, gel icings and even canned frosting with orange and black confetti.

3.   Using canned frosting tinted desired colors, frost muffins and top with sprinkles.

4.   You ask thousands of people who actually eat canned frosting to send in pictures of themselves, you take your chances.

a. + frosting >>共 59
chocolate 13.79%
white 6.90%
remaining 6.03%
cream 4.31%
whipped 4.31%
canned 3.45%
vanilla 3.45%
pink 2.59%
thick 2.59%
favorite 2.59%
canned + n. >>共 193
food 16.14%
goods 10.64%
tomato 5.89%
tuna 4.65%
meat 3.42%
fruit 3.42%
bean 3.04%
soup 2.94%
product 1.90%
salmon 1.80%
frosting 0.38%
每页显示:    共 4