1.   She wants to do all she can to reduce the suffering of other children...

2.   And he must do what he can in pri- vate to reduce the chances of any rash Chi- nese military action against Taiwan.

3.   But everybody is committed to doing everything they can to reduce the risk.

4.   But Quackenbush said his department has done all it can to reduce rates.

5.   But then the holiday season arrives, and with joy in your heart, you determine to do what you can to reduce human suffering.

6.   Compress the cakes, as you form them, as much as you can to reduce the possibility of the cakes falling apart during cooking.

7.   Hand wash anything you can to reduce the dry-cleaning bill.

8.   In response, migrants cram in as many people as they can to reduce how much each pays.

9.   No new blockbuster products are on the horizon, and the company has done much of what it can to reduce growth in operating costs.

10.   Powell said Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat must do what he can to reduce tension in the conflict.

v. + reduce >>共 169
use 22.94%
work 17.25%
do 8.26%
act 2.57%
can 2.39%
spend 1.47%
develop 1.10%
be 1.10%
introduce 1.10%
say 0.92%
can + v. >>共 535
help 9.67%
make 4.88%
keep 4.18%
get 3.75%
prevent 2.96%
avoid 2.35%
become 2.16%
ensure 1.83%
stop 1.74%
protect 1.55%
reduce 0.61%
每页显示:    共 13