use reduce 8.23   The rest will be used to reduce debt.
  work reduce 6.19   But we are working to reduce it.
  do reduce 2.96   What can be done to reduce cost?
  act reduce 0.92   Cirrus said it is acting to reduce operating expenses.
  can reduce 0.86   Hand wash anything you can to reduce the dry-cleaning bill.
  spend reduce 0.53   A quarter said the surplus should be spent reducing the national debt.
  be reduce 0.39   Remember that reducing indoor humidity is important if condensation is a problem.
  develop reduce 0.39   The report said programs can be developed to reduce these injuries, but must be tailored to specific workplaces.
  introduce reduce 0.39   Tanning beds were introduced to reduce the risk of burning.
  say reduce 0.33   Administration officials say reducing these costs will free up more health care money for legal residents.
  will reduce 0.33   Polymers such as Water Grabber that are soaked in water and then mixed with your potting soil will reducing watering chores.
  build reduce 0.26   Public pressure is building to reduce the number of prescription errors.
  combine reduce 0.26   Both factors seem to have combined to reduce his market value, which Palmeiro said is wrong.
  restructure reduce 0.26   At the same time, the Seragen board was restructured to reduce the influence of BU.
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