1.   And the bulldozers are knocking at the gate.

2.   A bulldozer knocks over a saguaro.

3.   Bulldozers knocked down dozens of homes too badly damaged by the flood to be repaired.

4.   In an unconfirmed report, a rights group said that armored bulldozers in Jenin knocked down homes on top of people still in them.

5.   Palestinians say huge armored bulldozers knocked down homes on top of people living in them in Jenin, to widen narrow alleys so tanks could pass.

6.   Sometime next month, a bulldozer will knock it over, and the old boards will be burned.

7.   While troops wrestled Palestinians away from the structures, the bulldozers knocked down walls and dug up concrete foundations, leaving behind piles of rubble.

8.   A bulldozer then knocked it into rubble.

9.   In Kabul, offenders were hanged from cranes, or killed by having bulldozers knock over walls of rock onto them.

10.   In response, army bulldozers knocked down the outside wall of a nearby flour mill, saying the compound had given cover to the gunmen.

n. + knock >>共 414
wind 4.58%
opportunity 3.59%
blast 2.35%
injury 1.98%
bulldozer 1.73%
quake 1.49%
loss 1.49%
man 1.36%
people 1.24%
knee 1.24%
bulldozer + v. >>共 129
begin 8.59%
clear 6.52%
be 6.20%
destroy 5.25%
level 4.77%
raze 4.29%
demolish 3.50%
start 3.02%
flatten 2.86%
enter 2.70%
knock 2.23%
每页显示:    共 14