1.   Nearer Cairo, bulldozers are flattening dunes and desert scrub to make way for suburban allotments complete with security guards, golf courses, swimming pools and bowling alleys.

2.   The waterscape will not be the same because the old natural ponds and channels were flattened by bulldozers.

3.   Abdel Salam said that as troops moved into the camp, army bulldozers flattened homes.

4.   After the apartheid government removed the people, bulldozers flattened thousands of homes and buildings, sparing only a few churches and mosques.

5.   As tanks fired machine guns, bulldozers flattened five homes belonging to the Al Holi clan and a Palestinian police station.

6.   Army bulldozers have flattened Palestinian orchards and farmland alongside Israeli-controlled access roads to remove cover for snipers and roadside bombs.

7.   Bedouins argued with Israeli policemen while bulldozers flattened their shacks and tents to make room for an expanding Jewish settlement.

8.   Bulldozers flattened farmland and tanks shelled seven Palestinian police posts, Palestinian police said.

9.   Bulldozers flattened the transmission building later.

10.   Her family also was punished when army bulldozers flattened their three-bedroom home, quickly rebuilt with donations from friends and the PLO.

n. + flatten >>共 121
bulldozer 9.28%
curve 6.70%
sale 4.64%
wind 3.61%
explosion 2.58%
tank 2.58%
price 1.55%
storm 1.55%
force 1.03%
airstrikes 1.03%
bulldozer + v. >>共 129
begin 8.59%
clear 6.52%
be 6.20%
destroy 5.25%
level 4.77%
raze 4.29%
demolish 3.50%
start 3.02%
flatten 2.86%
enter 2.70%
每页显示:    共 18