1.   Flayed bodies dangle from the ceiling.

2.   Their bodies now dangled from nearby gallows.

3.   Bodies dangled out of windows in a charred bus as crumpled cars smoldered nearby.

4.   His body dangled above the neighborhood he terrorized.

5.   His body still dangled from a beam in a hallway of the crudely made concrete building when reporters visited at Tuesday morning.

6.   More bodies dangled from treetops.

7.   When a guard next passed by his cell around midnight, the light was off and the body was found dangling in the darkened cell, Chartier added.

8.   When a guard next passed by his cell around midnight, the light was off and the body was found dangling in the darkened cell.

9.   When a guard next passed by his cell just after midnight, the body was found dangling in the darkened cell.

n. + dangle >>共 198
foot 4.35%
arm 4.35%
leg 4.35%
cigarette 3.01%
body 3.01%
wire 2.68%
earring 1.67%
line 1.34%
slab 1.34%
bulb 1.34%
body + v. >>共 960
be 24.45%
lie 4.33%
have 3.60%
remain 1.65%
say 1.44%
produce 1.11%
begin 1.09%
need 0.97%
take 0.91%
turn 0.88%
dangle 0.13%
每页显示:    共 9