body be 114.81   But the body was no more.
  body lie 20.34   Bodies lay in the street.
  body have 16.92   My body has no injuries.
  body remain 7.77   His body remains missing.
  body say 6.78   If my body says I can go, then I will go.
  body produce 5.20   Without it the toxins her body produces would poison her.
  body begin 5.13   Her body began to ache.
  body need 4.54   Does your body really need that food?
  body take 4.28   My body had taken over.
  body show 4.15   His body showed signs of torture.
  body turn 4.15   Dead bodies turned up.
  body fall 3.95   Bodies fall.
  body come 3.88   Bodies have come home in flags.
  body make 3.75   Why do these bodies make this distinction?
  body find 3.55   Body found in a park a mile away.
  body become 3.36   The body became more fruit-shaped.
  body reject 3.36   Our bodies reject foreign cells.
  body seem 3.16   My body seemed to disappear.
  body feel 2.76   My body feels good.
  body go 2.76   His body went unclaimed.
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