1.   Blend all ingredients in a blender container until smooth.

2.   Add stock to blender container along with cream, flour, lemon zest, salt, white pepper and saffron.

3.   Add lemon juice and water to blender container.

4.   Combine all ingredients in a blender container and blend until smooth.

5.   Combine mangoes, ice, lime juice, sugar and rum in blender container and blend well.

6.   Combine oil, vinegar, water, honey, poppy seeds, salt, paprika and pepper in electric blender container.

7.   Combine pumpkin, evaporated milk, orange juice, banana and brown sugar in blender container.

8.   For a blended version, combine all ingredients in a blender container and blend until smooth.

9.   If thicker sauce is desired, puree all or part of sauce in a blender container or food processor bowl with a metal blade.

10.   In a blender container or food processor, blend butter, sugar, eggs, sour cream, orange juice, flour and baking powder until blended.

n. + container >>共 209
cargo 11.08%
food 6.06%
trash 5.67%
storage 5.54%
water 5.28%
garbage 5.03%
gas 3.74%
freezer 3.61%
freight 3.22%
blender 3.09%
blender + n. >>共 24
container 38.71%
jar 14.52%
running 6.45%
drink 4.84%
bowl 3.23%
hollandaise 3.23%
attachment 1.61%
button 1.61%
call 1.61%
dip 1.61%
每页显示:    共 24