1.   Female speaker I find bladder control and general movement a lot easier as a result of this.

2.   I find bladder control and general movement a lot easier as a result of this.

3.   Bladder training aims to restore bladder control by increasing the capacity of the bladder before it registers the urge to void.

4.   Iozia said she is losing bladder control, but no one can tell her whether other infected women have the same problem.

5.   MS patients suffer a slow decline over time, losing some physical movement and progressing, in some cases, to a loss of bladder control and vision.

6.   One moment, the loved one is gentle and composed, seemingly normal, and a moment later there might be an outburst or loss of bladder control.

7.   Similar technology is being explored for restoring muscle control to paraplegics, continence to people who have lost bladder control and for the easing of chronic pain.

8.   Sexual activity may be avoided for fear of an embarrassing loss of bladder control.

9.   The urinary tube, or urethra, can be cut and tender muscles and tissues damaged, causing loss of bladder control and other problems.

10.   Training usually happens in stages -- bladder control, bowel control, days, nights -- and takes practice.

n. + control >>共 839
government 10.75%
price 6.52%
border 6.02%
arm 4.73%
traffic 3.06%
export 2.61%
air 2.46%
pollution 2.31%
cost 2.15%
crowd 2.11%
bladder 0.22%
bladder + n. >>共 50
cancer 35.68%
infection 10.05%
control 8.04%
problem 5.53%
wall 2.51%
tissue 2.01%
function 2.01%
patient 2.01%
neck 1.51%
trial 1.51%
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