1.   Bingo players are generally not innovative types.

2.   But state and police investigators said the ring was taking what are known to inveterate bingo players as line bets.

3.   Like maybe the nut-flavor people are different from the fruit-flavor people, something like bowlers and bingo players.

4.   The bingo players, who thought they were being attacked by terrorists, called the police.

5.   The old bingo player in Francis feels good about it.

6.   There are no takers, just serious bingo players.

n. + player >>共 499
football 10.55%
basketball 7.91%
baseball 7.32%
soccer 4.61%
replacement 3.73%
tennis 3.58%
hockey 3.28%
college 2.87%
role 2.53%
market 2.39%
bingo 0.04%
bingo + n. >>共 57
hall 24.80%
game 22.36%
parlor 11.79%
card 3.66%
club 3.25%
night 2.44%
operation 2.44%
player 2.44%
law 1.22%
bus 1.22%
每页显示:    共 6