1.   Bingo night at the Legion Hall.

2.   Even bingo nights.

3.   Family-friendly, the club has a pool, tennis courts and bingo nights.

4.   Instead, almost every fund-raising group has a bingo night.

5.   They asked what happened to money from bingo nights, school endowment funds and bequests to the church.

6.   They hold bingo nights and soup dinners and have taken on public transit and day care.

n. + night >>共 337
election 16.53%
summer 10.31%
winter 7.32%
week 3.80%
weekend 3.51%
prom 2.85%
draft 2.34%
school 1.98%
fight 1.76%
spring 1.68%
bingo 0.44%
bingo + n. >>共 57
hall 24.80%
game 22.36%
parlor 11.79%
card 3.66%
club 3.25%
night 2.44%
operation 2.44%
player 2.44%
law 1.22%
bus 1.22%
每页显示:    共 6