1.   Consumers are demanding lower prices, better quality, and a larger selection of goods.

2.   Consumers are pushing retailers to the wall, demanding lower prices, better quality, a large selection of in-season goods.

3.   Does this type of TV set have a better picture quality?

4.   It has done it the old-fashioned way, with teamwork, better quality and new models that appeal to its customers.

5.   Last year, it launched the Deluxe sandwiches, a higher-priced line meant to attract customers looking for better quality.

6.   Scanners still provide better image quality and more flexibility than digital cameras.

7.   The better quality carcasses are fatter, more juicy, and more flavourful than carcasses of the lower grades.

8.   The wider tape gives better quality reproduction and the machines are very robust - an important consideration for the classroom.

9.   There was still much to do to ensure greater choice and better quality for drinkers.

10.   They make trading simpler and reduce the associated costs leading to increased employment and better quality goods for consumers.

a. + quality >>共 1452
high 9.33%
poor 4.86%
good 4.14%
sound 3.35%
better 3.35%
higher 2.67%
same 1.92%
star 1.90%
highest 1.71%
top 1.68%
better + n. >>共 1001
job 3.53%
chance 3.27%
way 2.46%
life 2.16%
team 1.85%
deal 1.75%
time 1.49%
condition 1.41%
place 1.40%
shape 1.35%
quality 0.71%
每页显示:    共 198