1.   Could we find a better deal on word processors?

2.   Despite the encouraging figures, the Chunnel has prompted ferry companies to smarten up their act, and offer better deals.

3.   He promised not to halt the talks, but rather to cut a better deal.

4.   He turned down what any of his peers would have called a much better deal today.

5.   It all adds up to a better deal, for your managers, your training budget and for effective corporate management development.

6.   Strength in numbers will allow us to give customers a better deal.

7.   Ten years ago they formed themselves into the Hargeisa Group to lobby the government for a better deal for the north.

8.   When President Ricardo Lagos, a moderate socialist, took office last March, he promised the temporeras a better deal.

9.   Anything that will mean a better deal for our children gets my vote.

a. + deal >>共 638
better 4.70%
great 3.77%
best 3.46%
similar 2.96%
good 2.74%
proposed 2.70%
long-term 2.41%
possible 1.94%
done 1.82%
final 1.63%
better + n. >>共 1001
job 3.53%
chance 3.27%
way 2.46%
life 2.16%
team 1.85%
deal 1.75%
time 1.49%
condition 1.41%
place 1.40%
shape 1.35%
每页显示:    共 488