1.   A protein known as beta amyloid has been identified as a primary component of the plaques.

2.   Eventually, the plaques fill up with these beta amyloid proteins.

3.   Should they go after beta amyloid and try to prevent plaques outside cells?

4.   The mutation alters beta amyloid, a fragment of a normal protein that is the major constituent of plaque.

5.   People produce beta amyloid naturally.

6.   As they aged, the mice showed beta amyloid in their brains, loss of some brain cells and other signs of brain cell injury.

7.   Deposits containing a protein called beta amyloid are hallmarks of the disease.

8.   Elan theorized that a vaccine made from beta amyloid would stimulate the immune system to recognize and attack the protein.

9.   Some patients produce too much beta amyloid and others simply do not clear it out of the brain properly.

10.   The fragment made the mice produce a chemical precursor of beta amyloid in their brains.

n. + amyloid >>共 4
beta 66.67%
protein 20.00%
chain 6.67%
islet 6.67%
beta + n. >>共 65
carotene 28.41%
blocker 22.44%
version 7.95%
interferon 4.55%
software 3.13%
amyloid 2.84%
tester 2.84%
drug 1.99%
radiation 1.99%
supplement 1.70%
每页显示:    共 10