1.   Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla until mixture turns fluffy and very pale, and forms a ribbon that holds its shape.

2.   Beat eggs, milk, green chilies and seasoned salt and garlic pepper to taste until blended and pour evenly over top.

3.   Beat together eggs, milk and cinnamon until well blended.

4.   Beat eggs until light and lemon colored.

5.   Beat eggs, milk, mustard and garlic pepper until blended.

6.   Beat together eggs, milk, seasoned salt and garlic pepper until well blended.

7.   In a large bowl, beat eggs with egg whites just until yolks are broken up and blended with whites.

8.   In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks and almond extract until very light and thick.

9.   In a shallow dish, beat eggs and milk until blended.

10.   In a small bowl, beat egg yolks, then add to cheese mixture.

a. + egg >>共 508
beaten 6.54%
fertilized 6.54%
raw 3.87%
hard-boiled 2.99%
fried 2.76%
human 2.67%
together 2.63%
golden 2.49%
rotten 1.98%
whole 1.93%
beat 0.69%
beat + n. >>共 155
writer 14.10%
poet 4.96%
reporter 4.18%
egg 3.92%
cop 3.92%
expectation 3.13%
back 2.61%
officer 2.61%
generation 2.35%
goalie 1.83%
每页显示:    共 15