1.   But the number of those who compromised their faith was largest among the propertied and those well up in the social hierarchy.

2.   They are largest in polyandrous birds, where several males fertilize one female, and it is not hard to see why.

3.   Thus the energy production is largest in the vicinity of the changeover from a predominantly viscous stress to a predominantly turbulent one.

4.   And the matches are largest for the savers with the lowest incomes.

5.   But even that poses special difficulties, he said, since temperature measurements in Antarctica are the sparsest in the world, and natural temperature variability is largest.

6.   Buy shoes at the end of the day, when your feet are largest.

7.   Declines were largest at petrochemical, textile and paper manufacturers.

8.   Getty images, a similar company also based in Seattle is largest of the industry.

9.   He noted that the ozone hole was usually largest in November or December, but that the greatest cooling had been about six months later.

10.   In general, the losses were largest for riskier growth funds.

v. + largest >>共 2
be 68.89%
loom 31.11%
be + a. >>共 1165
able 2.82%
likely 2.09%
available 1.65%
due 1.18%
ready 1.14%
clear 1.02%
difficult 0.95%
important 0.89%
involved 0.88%
unable 0.87%
largest 0%
每页显示:    共 31