1.   A difference between expressing admiration and giving credit is clear when we admire behavior which admiration will not affect.

2.   A preference for country living is clear, and in some remoter rural districts there was even a significant growth in population.

3.   About the world Lenny Wilkens has been keeping tabs on world events, and one thing is clear.

4.   Above all, I hope that the enormous scope of Presocratic vision is clear from this chapter.

5.   After a week together on vacation it was clear that they were totally incompatible.

6.   Alison and Johnny had an easy rapport that was clear to everyone.

7.   Although Peters based her diet on what she viewed as strict science, the moral lesson was clear.

8.   And it is clear that his association with new Labour initially did him no harm.

9.   Anyway, it will be pretty clear.

v. + clear >>共 19
be 85.33%
become 10.28%
seem 2.17%
stay 1.05%
remain 0.30%
appear 0.21%
get 0.15%
keep 0.13%
break 0.10%
look 0.06%
be + a. >>共 1165
able 2.82%
likely 2.09%
available 1.65%
due 1.18%
ready 1.14%
clear 1.02%
difficult 0.95%
important 0.89%
involved 0.88%
unable 0.87%
每页显示:    共 15362