1.   Garnish with basil sprigs and shaved cheese.

2.   Arrange the okra on four plates, drizzle with pesto, garnish with crumbled bacon and basil sprigs and serve at once.

3.   Garnish with double basil sprigs.

4.   Garnish each serving with basil sprigs and the optional radishes.

5.   Garnish with basil sprigs and olives.

6.   Garnish with basil sprigs.

7.   If you like, save some of the fennel fronds and add them to the basil sprigs as garnish.

8.   Serve hot and garnish with basil sprigs.

9.   Sprinkle with remaining cheese and garnish with fresh basil sprig.

10.   Top with feta cheese, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and garnish with a basil sprig.

n. + sprig >>共 18
mint 18.97%
cilantro 13.79%
thyme 13.79%
rosemary 11.49%
parsley 8.62%
dill 8.05%
basil 5.75%
herb 5.75%
chervil 2.87%
coriander 2.30%
basil + n. >>共 35
leaf 52.15%
oil 8.59%
sprig 6.13%
pesto 4.29%
vinaigrette 2.45%
butter 2.45%
plant 2.45%
sauce 2.45%
soup 1.84%
bruschetta 1.23%
每页显示:    共 10