1.   A department store seems like a member of the family when people buy everything from baby blankets to wedding suits there.

2.   A few days later they would bring Ronald Allen Davis home, swaddled in baby blankets and in the hope and love of his mother and father.

3.   After the family tales were told, Yates said good-bye to his children, then placed a favorite baby blanket in each casket and helped close them.

4.   After telling stories of each child, Yates took their baby blankets and held them up for the congregation.

5.   In that self-contained world of small food, drinks without danger and a natural-fiber baby blanket in the making, Ms. Randall was doing something decidedly bad.

6.   Inside a plastic bag in each carton were several bodies wrapped individually in white baby blankets.

7.   Inside the locker was a bundle meticulously wrapped with a baby blanket, four plastic bags, newspapers, and cellophane.

8.   Nights are when Vargas imagines her Omar, wherever he is, trying to get to sleep without his Mickey Mouse baby blanket.

9.   Not everyone feels that way, and the girls wonder why anyone would want to steal baby blankets.

10.   Nights are when Miriam imagines her Omar, wherever he is, trying to get to sleep without his Mickey Mouse baby blanket.

n. + blanket >>共 67
wool 21.91%
baby 8.43%
horse 6.18%
army 5.06%
beach 4.49%
insulation 3.37%
space 2.81%
foil 2.25%
fleece 2.25%
picnic 2.25%
baby + n. >>共 603
girl 9.72%
boy 8.33%
daughter 4.55%
food 4.26%
step 3.09%
son 1.86%
formula 1.80%
brother 1.64%
clothes 1.61%
elephant 1.55%
blanket 0.47%
每页显示:    共 15