1.   Amenities include a fleece blanket, cotton jersey sleep suit, full-size pillow and beauty salon.

2.   A color television comes from Singapore, a fluffy fleece blanket from Malaysia.

3.   A fleece blanket and a couple of pillows and this massive reach of seat feels like a bed.

4.   This is a monkey that sleeps in polar fleece blankets and has stuffed animals.

n. + blanket >>共 67
wool 21.91%
baby 8.43%
horse 6.18%
army 5.06%
beach 4.49%
insulation 3.37%
space 2.81%
foil 2.25%
fleece 2.25%
picnic 2.25%
fleece + n. >>共 37
jacket 17.86%
vest 10.71%
pullover 9.52%
fabric 8.33%
blanket 4.76%
garment 3.57%
hat 3.57%
bodysuit 2.38%
mat 2.38%
shirt 2.38%
每页显示:    共 4