1.   Blue-chip stock averages also fell in an overall lethargic market.

2.   Broader averages fell, as a stronger-than-expected jobs report rekindled inflation concern and sent bond yields to their highest level in three months.

3.   Broader averages also fell a bit.

4.   Broader averages fell.

5.   But broader market averages fell, hurt by weakness in telecommunications stocks.

6.   But broader market averages also fell, as declining issues narrowly led advances.

7.   But in the last quarter-century, the blue-chip average has fallen seven times in January.

8.   Early on, the average fell as a stronger-than-expected jobs report rekindled inflation concern and sent bond yields to their highest level in three months.

9.   Earlier, the average fell as a stronger-than-expected jobs report rekindled inflation concern and sent bond yields to their highest level in three months.

10.   Further deterioration in the bond market gave equity traders an excuse to sell stocks Tuesday, and major market averages fell sharply.

n. + fall >>共 780
stock 13.74%
price 10.50%
share 3.30%
dollar 3.28%
bond 2.62%
rain 2.34%
future 1.95%
rate 1.52%
snow 1.34%
sale 1.19%
average 0.11%
average + v. >>共 211
be 25.28%
fall 4.44%
have 3.82%
rise 2.59%
move 2.47%
close 2.10%
drop 1.97%
include 1.97%
post 1.85%
record 1.36%
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