1.   Developing countries are attracting investment not by lowering their standards, but because they are making the best of their comparative advantage.

2.   If it works, it will attract foreign investment.

3.   Its report said countries that have reformed most vigorously have recovered from recession more rapidly and attracted more investment.

4.   New economic reforms were put on hold, although efforts to attract foreign investment and push forward with the modernization drive continued.

5.   That is what attracts investment from abroad and makes it profitable for domestic industry to invest as well.

6.   The company is trying to attract investment from overseas.

7.   The government is eager to attract foreign investment to fund building projects.

8.   We will continue to support all parts of the United Kingdom in their campaigns to attract inward investment.

9.   President Mwinyi said his country would also like to attract investment from private companies.

10.   The Tories would also that curtailing trade union rights is an important factor in attracting foreign investment.

v. + investment >>共 697
attract 9.44%
make 8.77%
encourage 5.86%
have 3.93%
increase 3.14%
promote 2.56%
protect 2.34%
boost 2.26%
discourage 1.85%
seek 1.57%
attract + n. >>共 573
attention 12.46%
investor 6.40%
investment 5.69%
customer 3.90%
interest 2.53%
people 2.53%
buyer 1.98%
tourist 1.85%
support 1.68%
business 1.67%
每页显示:    共 645