attract attention 93.48   And that has attracted attention.
  attract investor 48.06   And many are attracting big investors.
  attract investment 42.73   If it works, it will attract foreign investment.
  attract customer 29.30   Celebrities would eat there and attract customers.
  attract interest 19.03   He seems to be attracting interest.
  attract people 18.96   He really attracts people.
  attract buyer 14.88   But that plan failed to attract buyers.
  attract tourist 13.89   It might attract tourists.
  attract support 12.57   But they attracted little support.
  attract business 12.51   The town is trying to attract new businesses.
  attract visitor 11.92   Which attracts more visitors?
  attract capital 11.19   Jordan is striving to attract foreign capital.
  attract crowd 11.06   It attracts crowds.
  attract thousand 10.86   It also attracted thousands of cheering spectators.
  attract student 8.95   One goal is attracting better students.
  attract audience 8.10   Both attracted older audiences.
  attract number 7.64   They attract large numbers of Spanish boats.
  attract fan 7.31   They attract fans.
  attract money 7.24   Money attracts other money.
  attract lot 7.18   The museums attract a lot of tourists.
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