1.   An arms merchant I met here might even be able to find you an antiaircraft gun or a tank.

2.   Arms merchants aggressively seek new clients, especially in the developing world.

3.   Chimanovitch said Israeli intelligence agents had determined that explosives used in the Jewish community center bombing had come from an arms merchant in Puerto Iguazu.

4.   Even so, he said that the White House is tightening procedures after revelations that a Chinese arms merchant and a convicted drug criminal have attended such sessions.

5.   Greek arms merchants got weapons to the Serbian forces, in violation of the arms embargo.

6.   Green helped arrange the U.S. visit of a Chinese arms merchant last year.

7.   He noted that the White House visitors included a Chinese arms merchant who attended a presidential coffee and a Macao gambling magnate who met the president.

8.   Hunkapiller, in short, had set off an arms race in which he was the arms merchant.

9.   Once an arms merchant, the character will be a conglomerate chief who has fallen from grace.

10.   President Clinton, we know, has met with corporate executives, arms merchants and many others.

n. + merchant >>共 159
arm 5.56%
diamond 5.30%
grain 3.28%
timber 3.03%
fish 2.53%
retail 2.02%
area 2.02%
food 2.02%
rug 1.77%
coal 1.77%
arm + n. >>共 531
embargo 18.26%
sale 7.84%
control 4.61%
inspector 4.43%
treaty 2.65%
dealer 2.56%
deal 2.53%
shipment 2.25%
strength 2.19%
agreement 1.65%
merchant 0.29%
每页显示:    共 22