1.   Americans in particular are concerned that Iraqi imports are increasing and becoming more diversified at a time when there are no arms inspectors on the ground.

2.   America insists that talks be restricted to the return of U.N. arms inspectors.

3.   And the statement issued Monday, which followed inconclusive meetings in Baghdad last week between the Iraqis and the chief arms inspector, contained no specific threats.

4.   Annan has not used the term except to reflect complaints the Iraqis made to him about the behavior of arms inspectors, his spokesman said.

5.   Annan, supported by Washington, has insisted that the meetings should focus largely on getting arms inspectors back into Iraq.

6.   Annan and his aides, however, have tried to keep the talks focused only on the questions of when arms inspectors would return.

7.   Arms inspectors are far from giving Iraq a clean bill of health.

8.   A Finnish U.N. arms inspector claimed that UNSCOM was only probably three months from completing its work.

9.   A week after threatening rapid and unannounced military action if Iraq failed to cooperate fully with arms inspectors, the Clinton administration has adopted a more cautious policy.

10.   A year ago, U.N. arms inspectors were able to watch an evacuation in process at some sites, after arms teams were withdrawn but video cameras kept running.

n. + inspector >>共 226
weapon 44.04%
arm 11.40%
tax 5.87%
police 5.80%
health 3.09%
government 2.92%
city 2.65%
custom 2.61%
safety 1.56%
immigration 1.09%
arm + n. >>共 531
embargo 18.26%
sale 7.84%
control 4.61%
inspector 4.43%
treaty 2.65%
dealer 2.56%
deal 2.53%
shipment 2.25%
strength 2.19%
agreement 1.65%
每页显示:    共 334