1.   Before ending contact with the disarmament panel, the IRA permitted international monitors to inspect arms dumps twice.

2.   According to the terms under which the commission functions, the sites of the arms dumps remain secret, as does the method of putting the weapons beyond use.

3.   Last May, the IRA breathed life back into a dormant peace process by offering to allow international monitors to inspect its hidden arms dumps.

4.   Srour worked secretly for the Hezbollah organization during the years of occupation, establishing arms dumps and supplying fighters with intelligence data.

5.   That is to give him time to persuade the party to endorse an Irish Republican Army offer to permit international inspections of its secret arms dumps.

6.   The IRA has been observing a cease-fire for nearly four years, and it has agreed twice to inspections of secret arms dumps by international monitors.

7.   The IRA must give international monitors every opportunity to examine its arms dumps and verify that the guns are safely buried.

8.   The steps follow an announcement by the Irish Republican Army permitting international inspection of its secret arms dumps.

9.   Those in the IRA who do not like the idea of letting outsiders peruse their arms dumps have two options.

10.   A fourth man connected to a suspected IRA arms dump and weapons-making factory was charged Saturday with possessing plastic explosives.

n. + dump >>共 74
ammunition 26.30%
garbage 24.42%
arm 7.23%
munition 7.23%
rubbish 4.48%
fuel 2.60%
city 2.60%
weapon 2.60%
town 2.17%
ammo 1.88%
arm + n. >>共 531
embargo 18.26%
sale 7.84%
control 4.61%
inspector 4.43%
treaty 2.65%
dealer 2.56%
deal 2.53%
shipment 2.25%
strength 2.19%
agreement 1.65%
dump 0.66%
每页显示:    共 50