1.   After reviewing the transcript, they would have had the option of filing a full appeals brief that outlined the legal errors they believe took place at trial.

2.   But in their appeals brief, government lawyers argued that Sam misinterpreted the laws and their application, and called for a new trial on the original charges.

3.   Microsoft filed its appeal brief late last month.

4.   The Microsoft appeals brief came amid a flurry of late afternoon legal maneuvering.

5.   In appeal briefs filed with the Supreme Court on Sunday, that basic argument was replayed.

n. + brief >>共 60
court 16.67%
news 9.33%
amicus 8.67%
bikini 6.00%
business 4.00%
appeal 3.33%
science 3.33%
trial 3.33%
boxer 2.67%
certification 2.67%
appeal + n. >>共 175
court 65.36%
process 7.09%
panel 4.32%
judge 4.27%
ruling 3.44%
decision 2.34%
hearing 2.22%
board 0.71%
procedure 0.70%
committee 0.60%
brief 0.09%
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