1.   A class certification brief would be one of the most important documents in the case.

2.   Settlement talks could continue even if the plaintiffs file a class certification brief in two weeks.

3.   The class certification brief is a key document in the case.

4.   The company, which has denied the allegations, would be able to respond to the certification brief if it eventually gets filed.

n. + brief >>共 60
court 16.67%
news 9.33%
amicus 8.67%
bikini 6.00%
business 4.00%
appeal 3.33%
science 3.33%
trial 3.33%
boxer 2.67%
certification 2.67%
certification + n. >>共 95
process 24.55%
program 12.84%
requirement 5.18%
system 4.73%
test 4.50%
standard 4.50%
exam 3.15%
authority 2.48%
procedure 2.48%
course 2.03%
brief 0.90%
每页显示:    共 4