1.   Although Le Pen has said he will cast a blank ballot Sunday, some analysts suspect he has secretly urged his followers to vote for Jospin.

2.   Analysts suspect that Wal-Mart will seek an acquisition in France, with Promodes SA mentioned as a candidate.

3.   Analysts suspect that Boeing is waiting for orders from more airlines, beyond those in Thailand and Malaysia, before launching the new plane.

4.   Analysts suspect that both Delta and American won large discounts on Boeing air planes for making the Seattle-based jetliner maker their sole suppliers.

5.   Analysts suspect that many big Russian conglomerates have siphoned cash from the companies they took over, putting it in foreign accounts.

6.   Analysts suspect that many of them stayed home.

7.   Analysts suspect that copper is coming out of Comex warehouses and is being sent to LME storage.

8.   Analysts suspect that Granada delayed the revision so it can more conveniently include it in a new bid.

9.   And indeed, the communications industry in the United States, appears to be worse than most analysts suspected.

10.   And some analysts suspect that the strength of the dollar may be cutting into U.S. exports.

n. + suspect >>共 455
police 22.27%
official 9.73%
authority 8.59%
investigator 7.41%
scientist 3.46%
doctor 2.59%
researcher 2.25%
expert 2.19%
people 2.04%
analyst 1.48%
analyst + v. >>共 240
say 55.41%
expect 7.01%
be 3.22%
believe 3.15%
predict 2.90%
agree 1.47%
warn 1.33%
see 1.32%
suggest 1.16%
think 1.15%
suspect 0.13%
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