1.   Analysts have suggested a number of ways to hedge against a major downturn in the US stock Market.

2.   Analysts have suggested that a Union Pacific-Santa Fe combination would face major regulatory hurdles.

3.   Analysts have suggested that Chase could sell some of its divisions, such as its branches in New York or its credit card operation.

4.   Analysts suggest other benefits.

5.   Analysts suggest that Digital is also considering selling its consulting and services business, parts of its software units, and perhaps segments of its semiconductor operations.

6.   Analysts suggest that the success of the post will depend on the candidate chosen.

7.   Analysts suggest that the worries over American bank exposure to Mexico are substantially overdone.

8.   Analysts suggested a few other job criteria that Yahoo did not mention.

9.   Analysts suggested that Arafat was quick to anger because of the weekend challenge of his authority to shut down the brigades.

10.   Analysts suggested that Cheung Kong might have deferred some taxes to the current year and expected more taxes to be paid this year.

n. + suggest >>共 931
report 7.64%
study 5.15%
official 4.73%
evidence 3.27%
poll 3.07%
analyst 2.70%
research 2.16%
expert 1.39%
datum 1.22%
finding 1.22%
analyst + v. >>共 240
say 55.41%
expect 7.01%
be 3.22%
believe 3.15%
predict 2.90%
agree 1.47%
warn 1.33%
see 1.32%
suggest 1.16%
think 1.15%
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