1.   ...the plastic tops from aerosol containers.

2.   Further opportunities are growing in non-oriented amorphous PET foil for food storage trays and blister packaging, in aerosol containers and in injection moulded or extruded engineering components.

3.   Mayfield said personal defense items such as mace and tear gas are prohibited aboard commercial airlines, as are aerosol containers because they can burst during pressure changes.

4.   Police were looking for the assailant, who fled after spraying the gas from an aerosol container at Maiko Station in Akashi, a suburb of Kobe.

n. + container >>共 209
cargo 11.08%
food 6.06%
trash 5.67%
storage 5.54%
water 5.28%
garbage 5.03%
gas 3.74%
freezer 3.61%
freight 3.22%
blender 3.09%
aerosol 0.52%
aerosol + n. >>共 48
can 28.06%
spray 15.83%
product 5.76%
form 3.60%
container 2.88%
art 2.16%
canister 2.16%
cloud 2.16%
manufacturer 2.16%
paint 2.16%
每页显示:    共 4