1.   She was left thinking how hard he was driving himself for the sake of his adoptive family.

2.   Their dilemmas are similar to those of many adoptive families but are exacerbated by the racial and ethnic issues already discussed.

3.   Her adoptive family gave the young girl a sense of belonging that she had never felt before.

4.   Workers in Kent help severely emotionally damaged children to find placements with adoptive families.

5.   An adoptive family for Srey Mom must have that rare combination of optimism and realism so crucial to a child with special needs.

6.   A home study, required by law, is an assessment of the adoptive family.

7.   After a long estrangement, he has re-established ties with his adoptive family.

8.   Adoptive families generally receive a medical file, and the two sets of parents may even exchange pictures.

9.   But even with the problems, Hartman said, more adoptive families are reporting long-term success, fewer unions fall apart after adoption.

10.   But this is sensitive turf among adoptive families who, justifiably, feel threatened and insecure.

a. + family >>共 830
royal 9.14%
poor 3.62%
whole 3.02%
entire 2.94%
low-income 2.07%
american 1.97%
same 1.93%
large 1.83%
wealthy 1.55%
working 1.49%
adoptive 0.35%
adoptive + n. >>共 26
parent 55.20%
family 12.44%
mother 11.09%
father 7.01%
home 5.66%
child 1.81%
country 1.13%
couple 0.68%
land 0.68%
one 0.45%
每页显示:    共 55