1.   American families, which host foreign students, are not paid, though they are allowed a small income tax deduction.

2.   All this has dramatically changed the distribution of wealth in an American family.

3.   Already, fully two-thirds of American families can make use of it for tax-deductible contributions by workers and penalty-free withdrawals and tax-free accumulations.

4.   American families are suffering from the twin burdens of stagnant incomes and near-record taxes.

5.   Although the president stopped far short of launching a specific program, the all-day talkathon tapped into a subject dear to the heart of many American families.

6.   American families are concluding their vacations and getting their youngsters ready for school.

7.   American family.

8.   American families are rich on average, but poverty disproportionately affects the young.

9.   American families with Chinese children are becoming more common in many major cities.

10.   American families.

a. + family >>共 830
royal 9.14%
poor 3.62%
whole 3.02%
entire 2.94%
low-income 2.07%
american 1.97%
same 1.93%
large 1.83%
wealthy 1.55%
working 1.49%
american + n. >>共 1107
official 3.64%
company 2.23%
people 2.01%
flag 1.99%
troop 1.95%
soldier 1.55%
history 1.27%
citizen 1.25%
woman 1.22%
business 1.07%
family 0.46%
每页显示:    共 311