81.   He said the peace deal is dead.

82.   He had hoped to return home with an agreement that he could then sell directly to the Israeli people, who according to polls support a peace deal.

83.   He seemed to believed that two nearly simultaneous peace deals could create enough momentum to overwhelm domestic opposition.

84.   He has promised to let them vote on any peace deals he initials.

85.   Herschenfeld, echoing many voices in the crowd, said Arafat had been given too many chances from the United States to negotiate a peace deal.

86.   His predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu, drew his support from Israelis opposed to peace deals with the Arabs.

87.   However humiliating, a peace deal is better than a war that has aggravated the very evil it sought to defeat.

88.   If he were to secure a peace deal with the Palestinians, which does not seem likely, he could alter the dynamic entirely.

89.   If Syria and Lebanon reach peace deals with Israel, what would happen to the Syrian troops now in Lebanon?

90.   If both parties eventually come to their senses and accept a peace deal, should America contribute peacekeeping troops?

n. + deal >>共 498
peace 17.40%
business 4.33%
trade 3.84%
one-year 2.33%
book 2.20%
budget 2.19%
three-year 1.89%
arm 1.87%
two-year 1.73%
land 1.62%
peace + n. >>共 152
process 21.79%
talk 20.97%
agreement 8.83%
accord 7.96%
plan 5.27%
treaty 4.34%
negotiation 4.26%
deal 3.88%
effort 3.46%
force 2.21%
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