1.   And that retired detectives signed book deals.

2.   He can not peddle a book deal.

3.   In addition, there would be no more million-dollar book deals because the Amish do not buy books.

4.   Next thing they do is call their agent, set up a book deal and a miniseries.

5.   Other parts of the book deal with the last things on a global scale, both looking back and looking forward.

6.   Along with those who have book deals and those who do not.

7.   Among the projects Ms. Hardison is tackling for Talley are a book deal and a monthly column.

8.   Amis says A.S. Byatt, who criticized his dental work along with his marriage problems and his book deal, wrote him an apologetic letter.

9.   And now Rifkin has her own Oscar of a book deal.

n. + deal >>共 498
peace 17.40%
business 4.33%
trade 3.84%
one-year 2.33%
book 2.20%
budget 2.19%
three-year 1.89%
arm 1.87%
two-year 1.73%
land 1.62%
book + n. >>共 615
deal 6.18%
tour 6.04%
publisher 4.40%
publishing 3.58%
store 3.50%
sale 3.06%
review 2.84%
contract 2.41%
signings 1.83%
form 1.75%
每页显示:    共 225