peace process 661.36   ...but the peace process stalled.
  peace talk 636.61   The peace talks are moribund.
  peace agreement 268.07   A new peace agreement is being pursued.
  peace accord 241.54   Are the peace accords taking hold?
  peace plan 159.84   The leadership rejected the peace plan.
  peace treaty 131.73   A peace treaty in Korea?
  peace negotiation 129.16   Peace negotiations came to nought .
  peace deal 117.84   He said the peace deal is dead.
  peace effort 104.87   S.-led peace effort.
  peace force 66.95   Peace force confiscates Muslim police weapons.
  peace settlement 55.83   A peace settlement now seems likely.
  peace initiative 41.54   Peace initiatives have meanwhile failed.
  peace conference 33.90   We have sponsored the peace conference.
  peace mission 28.64   He will be on a peace mission.
  peace pact 23.37   Peru and Ecuador agree to peace pact.
  peace proposal 21.59   Details of new peace proposal.
  peace activist 16.85   Peace activists protested the war.
  peace prize 16.85   Forget that dratted peace prize.
  peace envoy 15.87   A Saudi peace envoy heads to the United States.
  peace negotiator 15.21   Peace negotiator named attorney general.
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