81.   Many observers are ready to shelve recession red in favor of expansion ecru, but it is too early to tell.

82.   Many observers are skeptical that a magazine that examines the media can put up those kinds of numbers.

83.   Many orbiting spacecraft are visible just after dusk or before dawn, when they are high enough to reflect sunlight even as observers below are in darkness.

84.   Market observers were hard-put to find good reasons for the eye-popping gains turned in by some stocks.

85.   Modern observers are not alone in their perceptual shortcomings.

86.   Most observers were ranchers and residents of small towns, and the foremost job qualification was owning a telephone, said Tom Donaldson, an LCRA hydrologist.

87.   Most observers will be surprised if he spends time in prison, particularly because he has no record.

88.   Most Vietnamese insist they want the agreement, but many American and Western observers are not so sure.

89.   Military observers are concerned about the increased movement of large numbers of Serbian troops and armor in Kosovo.

90.   New systems built around all-electronic motion-sensing technologies are so stable that only the horizon and haze limit how far away observers can be.

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observer + v. >>共 451
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agree 2.23%
predict 1.83%
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