1.   In general, observers noted that the economic reforms were not proceeding as quickly as originally envisaged.

2.   Although each side accused the other with ceasefire violations throughout May, observers noted a definite lull in the fighting.

3.   Observers noted that many conservatives opposed to the political and economic reforms of Prime Minister Mouloud Hamrouche had failed to be reselected.

4.   Observers noted that the coalition might need the support of the New Democracy party, whose policies Bildt totally dismissed, if it was to control an effective majority.

5.   Observers noted, however, few major policy differences between the ANAP and the DYP, which were both centre-right parties in favour of further economic liberalization.

6.   Observers noted a number of potential hazards for the EPRDF-dominated transitional government in these prematurely leaked proposals.

7.   Observers noted that this was the first time that France, which had traditionally followed a strongly independent defence policy, had suggested such a possibility.

n. + note >>共 840
report 8.63%
official 8.23%
analyst 7.11%
observer 3.61%
expert 2.81%
critic 2.19%
researcher 1.79%
judge 1.34%
study 1.32%
statement 1.26%
observer + v. >>共 451
say 34.65%
believe 6.43%
be 6.16%
expect 3.51%
note 2.66%
think 2.45%
see 2.42%
agree 2.23%
predict 1.83%
report 1.70%
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