81.   With fewer options for building profits, managed care plans may have to get tougher in denying care to their members.

82.   With costs rising, many managed care companies have relied on rapid membership growth to raise revenues and profits.

83.   A new study disputes the widely held notion that managed care has put a heavy squeeze on the amount of time doctors are spending with their patients.

84.   Deckers said the hospital is the only place where faculty members can teach and students can practice, unconstrained by the financial pressures of managed care.

85.   State officials promise the agency will have no financial incentive to deny services, as many managed care agencies do.

86.   She recommended that Odyssey be engaged to manage her care.

87.   The plan also calls for creating county agencies that would manage care for the most troubled children.

88.   The powerful collection of health, insurance and business groups lobbies against changes in managed care.

89.   Trying to regain the clout they have lost to managed care, New York psychologists are forming an alliance with unionized teachers.

v. + care >>共 361
provide 13.11%
take 12.05%
receive 7.00%
need 5.12%
get 3.99%
require 3.37%
seek 3.07%
improve 2.97%
manage 2.94%
help 2.34%
manage + n. >>共 1194
director 9.42%
fund 3.70%
money 2.90%
sale 2.79%
company 1.68%
care 1.48%
team 1.47%
business 1.25%
operation 1.22%
economy 1.20%
每页显示:    共 88