1.   Where job ladders are created, further managerial work is involved in managing the operation of the internal labour Market.

2.   We continue to explore alternative ways of managing our operations more effectively and generating better returns on the residential landholdings which we control.

3.   The central subject of the rest of this book is the way in which the operation was managed by Charles the Bald.

4.   And the demand for such services is increasing as more institutions look to outside companies to provide food and manage those operations, he said.

5.   Basically these companies try to marshal the Internet to help companies control costs and manage operations.

6.   Because insurers are only beginning to invite outsiders to manage computer operations, the industry is an especially inviting target.

7.   But Guy Nachtomi is not a pilot and was not qualified to manage day-to-day operations, according to the safety board staff.

8.   But how is the scandal affecting the morale and effectiveness of veteran, senior staff, those who actually draft policy and then manage the operations of the government?

9.   But the company has never succeeded in managing any operation beyond its key business, which could make an acquisition tricky.

10.   Computer Associates, based in Islandia, New York, sells computer programs that help companies manage the operations of their large mainframe computers and massive computer networks.

v. + operation >>共 566
have 6.25%
suspend 3.32%
resume 2.96%
begin 2.89%
undergo 2.40%
expand 2.34%
launch 2.22%
perform 2.04%
conduct 1.92%
run 1.88%
manage 0.62%
manage + n. >>共 1194
director 9.42%
fund 3.70%
money 2.90%
sale 2.79%
company 1.68%
care 1.48%
team 1.47%
business 1.25%
operation 1.22%
economy 1.20%
每页显示:    共 73