81.   The district court still had to rule on whether the pair would be held pending their trial.

82.   The magistrate said he would first have to interview Berlusconi before deciding whether he should be held pending further inquiries, judicial officials said.

v. + pend >>共 106
suspend 17.59%
release 16.37%
withhold 10.91%
hold 9.13%
be 5.35%
jail 4.90%
remain 3.56%
detain 3.34%
free 2.12%
stay 1.89%
hold + v. >>共 123
pend 23.10%
be 9.30%
order 7.61%
follow 5.07%
say 3.10%
accord 2.54%
believe 1.69%
await 1.41%
border 1.41%
begin 1.13%
每页显示:    共 82