1.   A new grant aid procedure was introduced recently and all funding requests received since February have been held pending the information of the new system.

2.   Akrami and an associate were arrested in Vancouver this week and are being held pending extradition to the United States.

3.   All were held pending bail hearings next week.

4.   Ferraro was held pending extradition.

5.   Federal Magistrate Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald ordered Ms. LaFontaine held overnight pending a bail hearing Tuesday.

6.   He was being held pending an arraignment Wednesday.

7.   He was being held pending his arraignment Wednesday night.

8.   He was held pending arraignment Tuesday.

9.   He was expected to be held pending a decision on possible extradition to Germany, Reuters said.

10.   He was held pending his bail hearing on Monday.

v. + pend >>共 106
suspend 17.59%
release 16.37%
withhold 10.91%
hold 9.13%
be 5.35%
jail 4.90%
remain 3.56%
detain 3.34%
free 2.12%
stay 1.89%
hold + v. >>共 123
pend 23.10%
be 9.30%
order 7.61%
follow 5.07%
say 3.10%
accord 2.54%
believe 1.69%
await 1.41%
border 1.41%
begin 1.13%
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