81.   Now when a potential client asks Wade how much it will cost to commission something, Wade calls his wife to ascertain a fair price.

82.   Nursing home officials contend it makes the states pay a fair price.

83.   Offering fair prices.

84.   Pennzoil has never disclosed what it considers a fair price for the company.

85.   Presumably, Foundation Health paid a fair price for the assets it purchased.

86.   She said that was a fair price for a service that lets an investor trade stocks while driving or playing golf.

87.   That translates to a reliable connection at a fair price and good customer service.

88.   The Atlanta Fish Market offers a modest international wine list at fair prices.

89.   The cultural differences and homesickness they endure seem a fair price to be free.

90.   The drinks are a fair price and the mix of people is good.

a. + price >>共 506
stock 18.62%
higher 8.77%
lower 6.54%
high 5.26%
low 3.29%
gold 2.24%
rising 2.12%
wholesale 1.77%
falling 1.76%
copper 1.10%
fair 0.51%
fair + n. >>共 634
trial 13.82%
share 7.70%
condition 6.86%
amount 5.18%
election 3.27%
price 3.23%
competition 2.40%
weather 2.35%
number 2.08%
chance 2.07%
每页显示:    共 171