stock price 410.73   Stock prices took a dive.
  higher price 193.55   Now they are stuck with those higher prices.
  lower price 144.31   And they come at a considerably lower price.
  high price 116.13   It can fetch a high price.
  low price 72.48   Another may be low prices.
  gold price 49.31   Gold prices moved down.
  rising price 46.68   Not the rising prices and things.
  wholesale price 39.10   Free wholesale price list.
  falling price 38.91   But falling prices hit the value of stocks.
  copper price 24.36   Copper prices fell.
  crude price 23.30   Crude prices rose again.
  current price 22.38   Call for current prices.
  coffee price 19.75   Coffee prices rose.
  lowest price 19.62   Guaranteed lowest price!
  same price 18.96   Say it at same price again, yeah.
  reasonable price 18.50   At reasonable prices.
  highest price 18.10   Al Gore, he said, paid the highest price.
  better price 17.25   You should shop around for a better price.
  best price 16.46   Try to get the best possible price.
  soaring price 14.22   Soaring home prices.
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