1.   Fair competition offers the best guarantee of good services and low prices.

2.   When will we have a level playing field in Northern Ireland with fair competition between all ports?

3.   An independent regulator will be appointed to ensure fair competition.

4.   They spent all the time just complaining about fair competition.

5.   The need to establish minimum European standards for health and safety has been accepted as essential to fair competition within the SEM.

6.   American workers will be the winners in any fair competition, and American technology will drive a prosperity revolution around the world.

7.   Both sides are talking about fair competition.

8.   AIRLINE-HUBS -- WASHINGTON -- A Senate subcommittee holds a hearing on airline hubs and fair competition.

9.   BT also said there was no independent regulators in the two countries to ensure fair competition.

10.   But after an eight-month antitrust review, the Justice Department required only minor changes in the merger plan to ensure fair competition.

a. + competition >>共 593
international 5.93%
increased 5.73%
stiff 3.84%
foreign 3.69%
fierce 3.44%
intense 3.16%
new 2.41%
increasing 2.28%
european 2.08%
global 2.08%
fair 1.15%
fair + n. >>共 634
trial 13.82%
share 7.70%
condition 6.86%
amount 5.18%
election 3.27%
price 3.23%
competition 2.40%
weather 2.35%
number 2.08%
chance 2.07%
每页显示:    共 127